
You know that moment when everything seems to go wrong and you feel trapped?
Or when you feel like nobody ever looks at you with a smile?
The feeling is that you're all alone,without friends,without family,without love.
But what we don't see is that there is everything we need,just in front of us.
Eventho you are going thru a hard time where it is all going wrong,there is something going just right in your life,but you can't notice it,because you can only see the failures.
Eventho you feel bound to something that is tying you up,and you can't see it,you can't deal with it,there will be somebody to untie you,there will be the one person going to calm you down and give you a solution.
When you actually think you're all alone,without friends,without family or love,always remember that person that was on your side independently of what ever happened,the one you could always count on.
Because when we go thru something,no matter how small,we always think of the worse...fooling ourselves into seeing only the bad side of things,instead of looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.
Aid is always near us,we only need to see it.

Daniel Viana Alencar.