I know you

I know you so well,it's easy to recognize you.

I know when you are happy,when are you sad,when you are angry.
Even when you lie...I know you lied. And I know so much of you because I love knowing you.
Seeing your love in a different way. Seeing us in a different way.
We are different than all others...I can feel your warmth in 5 miles distance.
I know when you miss me,I know when you are thinking of me.
I feel each and every of your heartbeats. I feel your anxiousness everytime you speak to me.
I'm always eager to see your beautiful face and to feel your soft hands.
I look at the sky and see your smile. I look at the stars and see your eyes.
The beautiful scenary of a sunset in Aruba reminds me of you.
Every thought...is made by you...because I know you so well.

Daniel Viana Alencar