I was born different,you were born different,they were born different.
I can't stand seeing people copying others anymore. It has become ridiculous how everybody and everything have to be ''beautiful as'' that famous one,or beautiful as that cool person,that ''everyone likes''.
They say: - ''But I am not beautiful! I want to be just like her!''
why everyone wants to be the same as somebody else,I really don't know...
...it is just too difficult for people to be legit these days I guess.
Be yourself,and at a precise moment,you will see people copying YOU.
People look at something different and copy it,so why don't you be different?
Why don't you be beautifully different?
''They laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at them because they are all the same!''
Stand out,be yourself,and no one else.
Daniel Viana Alencar.