Everything is linked to love.

Things can one be linked to other things,it is not necessary for everything to stand alone. 
What I mean is,a cube of ice can just be standing there,right? Or it can be there because someone put it there.
That's something.Not everything that happens must have a link,but most of them do.
An example: Children do complain alot about they're parents that hit them often.
If they didn't mess up they wouldn't also need spanking. Parents 'try' to teach children good manners with they're own hands,but that's the way it should be for some children;because some of them are born with sense,with the understanding inside their hearts and some are born with rebel inside of them.
A kid isn't gonna learn anything with words,believe me because I also didn't.
Why do parents hit a kid anyway? When children feel pain,of course,they don't like it,so there's a message inside of theire heads: If I do this again I will feel the same pain again,and I hate pain,let's do some else.
Everything is linked by love,love is all around us,it is anywhere and everywhere(pretty much the same).
Without love,your teacher wouldn't be on your tail everyday about your low grades;or your brother wouldn't be complaining about your rude language with others..that's the kind thing we must see.
When somebody talks to me,independent of what it is,I see one thing;that person likes me,because he/she cares to say something important or something hard to me.
Your friend says: Don't go to that show,or don't go to that party tonight.He's only saying that because that party isn't something good for you,or because that show does harm to your being. I know what you are thinking right now - he might be jealous that I go to that party and that's why he doesn't want me to go,because I'm gonna have fun and he isn't gonna have anything but a boring day.
Well,let me tell you something. If your 'friend' is jealous of what you do,he isn't your friend in first place. If he doesn't accept you for your deeds; having fun or whatever,if he doesn't aprove your behaviour,he isn't your friend,get loose of that bad relationship that holds you back. Friends = trust,happiness and above all,love.
A good friend is always by your side when you do decisions (if they are correct),don't ask your friend to be by your side when you're doing something stupid because he ain't gonna be there,and that's because he loves you enough to be that way...
At least,normal persons have love in they're hearts...Bad people as: Murderers,prostitutes,pedofiles and that kind of rotten people don't have love and that's why they do what they do...lack of love inside our hearts do that to our soul.Those prostitutes and pedofiles need to find love and get free of that dark world they live in;
by then,God,will have mercy on their lives.Anyone can if they want so.If you don't want love...sorry,I can't do anything for you.Love is only for the ones that have sook it.
To love we must also forgive...if you don't forgive,you will never be forgiven.

Daniel Viana Alencar.