Positive atitude!

Here is a short story:
In my home there are 3 people including me,that's plus my brother and my sister.
How do we live ? fighting each other all day and never coming to any agreements.
Well,brothers are like that,right? that's just normal...I tought so too,and that's why my house was a mess.

It works like this: there are 3 brothers. Me and my sister clean the house and cook. My older brother doesn't ever do anything for the house,and even tries to discuss that.
Out of three persons,if only two do the job,we are never gonna come to an agreement,right?

But there is also no need for arrogance too...I wanted to change things with love,and so it happened.
Instead of waking up complaining,I wake up saying - Good morning dear lord(God)!

If one of my brothers try to discuss with me,what do I say:Sorry but I don't wanna discuss now okay?
Instead of what my brothers do ,I know that if I don't cook,I'll pass hunger,so I just have to do it.

I can't look at them for what they do because my sister is like a maid,she does almost everything while my brother all he does is sit on the couch,play games and yell at people.
So,I just started loving again,they are my brothers,not anybody from the streets...they have my dna!
Now we show respect for each other (I do it the most as the example I should be) and things started changing course in my house.it is so beautiful how things work! I wanted a change and I went for it,tadaa! Granted!
Everything with love,and that's a very positive atitude.

Daniel Viana Alencar.