Our deepest tought...

Everything comes from the inside!
Act impulsive,act angry,act passionate,act true,act trust,act brave,act right,act wrong.
That smooth voice that commands us to do something...That soft voice.
Our toughts are almost like commands.Think with me - She is beautiful you say(I want to know her name) <- your tought.
Sometimes our desires become our daily tought... they become obsessive and posessive,they want to reach things quickly,while everybody knows that in life,for everything you must wait,and wait alot. My desire to change the world to something better... my wish to see happy faces when I walk across the town while not fearing my own kind.

I know my desires aren't my dream. But they do want to replace my dreams. Some will understand this with ease,some not.
Our minds are corrupt by ourselves,and there is one person to revert that situation,you can't see him everywhere.
Ahhh... it is so good to think deep and day-dream about my wants! The future is so beautiful!

Lights! Lights everywhere! So many wants,so many dreams! Everything,granted.
Don't you love it when you start thinking deep?

Daniel Viana Alencar.